Photography Competition

Hi – I thought your members may be interested in our Isle of Jura online photography competition, details and link below.

Isle of Jura Distillery has teamed up with VisitScotland to offer three photographers and partners a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend a week in the luxurious Jura Lodge, win a state of the art Olympus camera, and receive a 2 day photography masterclass from National Geographic’s Jim Richardson. There will be 8 ‘postcard of the week’ winners, with each winner receiving an Olympus FE-5050. Entrants can also ask family and friends to vote for their favourite postcard. Voters will have the chance to win prizes, including bottles of Jura 10 year old and other Jura goodies.
Closing date 21 January 2011.
To enter the competition, visit

Annual TBCC Holiday Party 12-17-2010

Bring a covered dish, bring a guest, and bring a print to hang. FYI, no holes will be put in your print when it gets hung for display! We will all get to appreciate a display of assorted images from members while enjoying food, drink and camaraderie with fellow members. Competition prizes for the year will be awarded and there may be a few surprises. Come out and have some fun!

Coffee and Pie Social Get-Together at Perkin’s 11-26-2010

Members are invited to an informal gathering at Perkin’s on North Dale Mabry in Carrollwood to enjoy pie and coffee and socialize. If you need a break after the holiday come out and relax for a while.

Where: 12650 N Dale Mabry Hwy,Tampa, FL 33618 813-908-0750

When: 11-26-2010, 6:00 pm until whenever.

Help Portrait Day

Are you interested in using your photographic skills to give back to the community this holiday season? If so, then considering volunteering for Help Portrait Day. The concept is simple: On or around December 4th take portraits of anyone you feel could use your service but may not be able to afford it. Edit, print ,and deliver the work. That’s it. You can volunteer to be part of a group that’s taking part or simply do it on your own for someone you know in need. It’s not a contest, there is no need to display your work anywhere. Just put your skills to use to help someone out.

I am volunteering to work with a group that is helping people in a rehab program. I know other groups that are looking for help with taking photos, editing photos, or printing photos. I can put you in touch with others who are taking part or you can find out all the info for yourself by following the link on our TBCC Photo Opportunities page.

All TBCC members are invited to join Jim Sykes for a bike riding and photography event

When: 11/20/10    9:00 am

Where: Lower Hillsborough Wilderness Preserve

Details: Bring your bicycle, a backpack with lunch, and your camera. We will meet at John B Sergeant Sr. Park and take advantage of photo opportunities in the park and then we will ride the Old Fort King Trail taking photos along the way to Dead River Park where we can pick a spot for lunch and take more photos before returning back to our starting point. Expect to ride a total of around 5-6 miles out and the same distance back on a combination of paved and unpaved trails. In addition to lunch and camera gear you may wish to bring some insect repellent and plenty of water. Information about the location can be found here:

This information is cross-posted on the TBCC Photo Opportunities page.