Bill Gerhes

On Saturday, April 23rd our Vice President Bill Gerhes passed away. He genuinely cared about the welfare of our organization and its members and was a good personal friend to many. His service, dedication, friendliness, and his photography will be missed. Our prayers and condolences go out to his wife Diane and the rest of his family.

A Note From Jim

I’m back in town and caught up now after being in Orlando for a week covering Photoshop World for Kelby Media, NAPP, and Scott Kelby’s blog. Being there for a week and then having to edit thousands of shots upon returning while keeping up with my regular teaching and shooting schedule certainly put me behind in doing some work for the club. As I mentioned though, I am caught up now and have posted several updates here on our site including the current competition standings.

I also want to take a moment to thank all of the TBCC members who came out to Camera Club Day. I was proud of the fact that we were the most well-represented club in attendance at the event.

That’s all for now, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our meeting next week – Jim

Meeting Update

Thursday April 14th is the next scheduled Director’s work night.

Friday night the 15th is competition night, the topic is architecture. Make sure you bring your prints and files in early enough to get them prepped for the judging. If you are bringing digital files please try and have them alone on a thumb drive or at least in their own folder named TBCC. You can help out the organization process by naming the files with the image title preceded with the letter “G” or “A” so that it can be properly placed as either general or assigned. Examples:
A-Tampa Skyline at Night.jpg   Correct
G-White Bird in a Golden Cage.jpg   Correct
IMG_1324.jpg   Wrong
My Dog Rover.jpg   Wrong

PSA Updates

PSA has implemented a new Website and these items are in different places than in the old Website.  The competition information for the Website Contest, Newsletter Contest, and Councils Challenge are all under the left side tab “Recognition”.  If the person needing the information is a PSA member they will find it in “My PSA” tab under “Recognition” after they sign in. The following links will also take you to the right places;
Sharp Todd