2014 Competition Assignments

The assigned categories for 2014 have been decided and are listed below. This list is also published on the Competition Info Page for reference at any time. If you have any questions regarding any of the topics please don’t hesitate to ask Robert or Jim for clarification.

Jan       Landscapes
Feb      Vertical Composition (Present a strong composition in vertical orientation)
Mar      White on White or Black on Black (Image may contain some color but must be primarily a white subject against a white background or a black subject against a black background)
April     Story Board ( 3-5 images that when presented together tell a story)
May      Animals in action (Not standing still or dead on a plate)
June     Abstract (The use of color, tones, shapes, patterns, etc in your photograph to represent a subject without necessarily providing recognizable visual references for the viewer)
July      Display of Human Emotion (People displaying a recognizable emotion, not an image of some other subject intended to to evoke an emotion in the viewer)
Aug      Macro
Sept     Adventure sports (This does not mean organized, team sports like baseball, football, soccer, etc. Think rock-climbing, skydiving, white-water rafting, mountain biking, snowboarding, etc)
Oct       Emulate the masters (Create a photo that emulates the work of a recognized master in any form of the visual arts. Be certain to bring a photo of the master’s original work for comparison)
Nov     Photograph a public performance (Photograph a dance performance, theatrical play, music concert, etc)

Holiday Party Info

Our annual holiday party will be held on December 12th. 7:00 PM at tRG studio. As always, we will be having a print show – please bring a print to hang and be prepared to talk briefly to everyone about your print. We will be awarding the prizes for the competition winners and we will have a few other fun surprises You are welcome to bring a guest and please bring an appetizer, entree, dessert, or drinks to share. We have tableware, cups, ice, and decorations covered already. You may use the following form to let everyone know what you are bringing. This list can be looked at first so that you can see what others have already signed up to bring and avoid duplicates.

If you are able to stay after and help with the cleanup please use this form to sign up: