Baseball Game Field Trip

Dunedin Stadium

373 Douglas Ave, Dunedin, FL 34698

We are set to be at the last weekend game for the season (Sat &Sun), Saturday, Sept. 1. The game starts at 6:30, so I would suggest we arrive at 5:30 to meet out front.  It is a promotion and “Fan Appreciation Night”, so there will be more activity than usual.  There are 2 shooting bays located near the dugouts.  Based on discussions with Mike Liberatore, GM, we can rotate individuals throughout the game.  I will drop by the stadium to get a better understanding of where they are located and other shooting opportunities.

The photographer shooting bays are much larger than they led me to believe (see pictures I took below).  They are located behind first and third base.  Each one can easily hold 6 people comfortably with mono-pods.  A 70-200mm lens with a crop sensor camera would probably be ideal (pictures taken below were with a 70-200/full frame camera) to catch all in-field action shots.  The group cost for the game is $5.00 per person.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.